figured out what ruined egghead's SEO and dropped our monthly traffic 90%... broken SSR 📉 anybody that tells you search bots don't require SSR is full of shit
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There have been some comparisons to what SolidStart has been doing with Server Functions and GraphQL so I thought why not. 2 trips to the database, 1 streamed response to the client.
React has over a dozen popular third-party state libraries. React Query, Zustand, Redux, Jotai, Mobx, etc. Prediction: Third-party React state libraries will become less relevant in 2024. Why? I see two things "eating" this space: 1. Routers are becoming state managers.…
"I believe that @reactjs , @solid_js , and @htmx_org all point to what might be the next step in the evolution of web development and UI engineering. If and when they succeed, perhaps crossing the network gap will finally feel as though the gap's closed."…
coming soon: zero-javascript page transitions